// Crooked River Ranch Neighborhood Weather Station

Crooked River Ranch Neighborhood  Weather Station

Located On Cinder Cone Loop

Sunrise: 6:59a Sunset: 6:52p
Webcam looking West. Click for larger image and loops

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 Weather As Of:   1:13p  09/27/24
 High:78.0At 1:03p  Low:46.0At 7:24a
 Dew Point:46.8°F/°C
 High:48.0At12:45p  Low:32.0At 4:22a
 High:64At 7:46a  Low:32At11:08a
 Barometer:in Falling Rapidly
 High:At 8:36a  Low:At 1:13p
 Wind:4.0mph From 
 High:At 2:45a  
 Precip: (12am-12pm)0.00 in
 Max Rain Rate: 0.00in/hrAt----
 Solar Radiation:
 High:694At12:56p  Elevation:°
 Soil (4”):Temp:73.0°F
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Temperature/DewPt/Humidity (1 or 3 days)
Precipitation Occurrence (1 or 3 days)
temperature/dewpoint 24 hrs precip 24 hours
Wind Speed/Hi Wind Speed (1 or 3 days)
Barometer/Wind Direction (1 or 3 days)
wind speed 24 hrs barometer/wind direction 24 hra
Solar Radiation (1 or 3 days)
solar radiation 24 hrs heat index/windchill 24 hrs
LONG TERM WEATHER DATA MESONET MAP   (Click on station to view)
This is clickable map.
The CRR weather station is a Davis Advantage Pro with fan aspirated temperature and humidity sensors and a heated rain gauge. It is mounted 2 meters off the ground away from the house. The anemometer is mounted 28 feet off the ground. (station picture). The weather station uses a heated moisture sensor to sense precipitation. The weather station updates the web page every 5 minutes.